Joomla Content Management System
Joomla is an open source content management system that helps you
to create web sites and other powerful applications. What is a
content management system? How does it help you? Just as your local
library records and stores all available books; a content management
system keeps track of every piece of content on your Web site. This
content may be from simple text to music, videos, photos and just
about everything.
Various aspects such as its ease of use and extensibility have made
Joomla one of the most popular web site software freely available to
everyone. Through this easy-to-use feature, as a Web designer or
developer, you can quickly build sites for your clients. Then, with a
minimal amount of instruction, you can empower your clients to easily
manage their own sites themselves.
Therefore, if you're looking for a content management system that
has a significant base of ready-to-go plug-ins and components such as
photo galleries, contact forms, and newsletters without a lot of
custom web development, you should look no further than Joomla.
Features of Joomla
Joomla is much more than just a content management system. It
offers a number of features that will make it your first choice:
- User Management: Joomla has a registration system that enables
users to personalize the options. There are a number of groups with
distinctive access, editing, publishing and administrative rights.
- Powerful Extensibility: Joomla has always adopted the principle
of extensibility, meaning that it is very easy to integrate
additional functionality into the system, but the 1.5 version of
Joomla offers a significantly expanded API so that developers can
communicate with the Joomla Core system much easier and make better
use of its functionality.
- Language Manager: Joomla offers international support for many
world languages. For example, if you want your web site in one
language and the administrator panel in another, Joomla manages it
with ease.
- Contact Management: The contact management tool offered by Joomla
helps users to find the right person and their contact information.
- Web Link Management: The Web link management tool offered by
Joomla provides users with link resources that can be easily sorted
out into different categories.
- Content Management: Joomla offers a three-tier system that can
help you organize your content the way you want. Your users can rate
articles, e-mail them to a friend, or automatically save a PDF of
the article.
Apart from these, Joomla offers many features such as Menu Manager,
Media Manager, Polls, Banner Management and much more...
Advantages of Joomla
Joomla provides a number of benefits for the users:
- Joomla is designed to work in shared Web hosting environments. It
is least expensive and just like any other common desktop software.
- Joomla supports several extensions, add on and plug in. Because
it is written in PHP, it is best suited for Web development.
- Joomla is integrated with CiviCRM and other common packages like
GetActive or DemocracyInAction.
At multiplex, we assure that the customer gets the best offer at
the best price. Authenticity is guaranteed and the customer would get
the most current version. The experts at Multiplex understand the
exact needs of the customer and provide him the best application
software with perfect functionality.